sabato 7 giugno 2014

All 30 "Game Of Thrones" Episodes Ranked From Worst To Best

Dragons and death are a plus! Torture and tedium are not. SPOILERS ahead!

“Dark Wings, Dark Words”

“Dark Wings, Dark Words”

Season 3, Episode 2
Directed by: Daniel Minahan
Written by: Vanessa Taylor

Watching Game of Thrones is like drinking wine — even when it's not that good, it still does the trick. That said, the “bad” GoT episodes are the ones that are preoccupied with checking in with all the disparate characters scattered across Westeros and beyond the Shivering Sea, advancing each story barely an inch in the process. When the the show's critics call it a sprawling tangle of too many characters spread far too thin, these are episodes they're talking about.

The worst offender of this lot is the second episode of what was otherwise a sterling season. Over the course of an hour, we keep hopping from Sansa to Joffrey to Cersei to Margaery to Tyrion to Jon to Samwell to Bran to Theon to Robb to Catelyn to Arya to Brienne and Jaime, and there are exactly two mildly compelling scenes between them: Sansa's introduction to the Queen of Thorns (the perfectly cast Diana Rigg), and Catelyn's confession about her feelings toward Jon Snow. (Until they got caught, I found Brienne and Jaime's bantering to be mostly just annoying.)

But neither scene can make up for the grind of tiny setups, especially of my two least favorite GoT story lines ever. The first: the endless mystery of Bran's three-eyed crow and introduction of the obnoxiously cryptic Jojen. The second: the seemingly senseless captivity and torture of Theon. And so it plops with a thud at the bottom of this list.


“The Ghost of Harrenhal”

"The Ghost of Harrenhal"

Season 2, Episode 5
Directed by: David Petrarca
Written by: David Benioff & D. B. Weiss

Again, soooo much tedious setup of so many story lines, including Jon Snow's endless trudging through Iceland/I mean the land beyond the Wall; Daenerys' wild and wacky adventures in Qarth; and, yup, more of Bran's blasted three-eyed crow. On the other hand: Jaqen H'ghar makes his first kill!


“The Prince of Winterfell”

"The Prince of Winterfell"

Season 2, Episode 8
Directed by: Alan Taylor
Written by: David Benioff & D. B. Weiss

At first, I thought I'd put this episode in the worst-ever slot, mainly because the only thing I could remember about it was the pointless scene of Dany complaining that she wanted to find her missing dragons — the perfect example of GoT's bad habit of needlessly checking in with every single character.

But then I re-watched it, and I realized that amid Theon whining about honor, Jon continuing to trudge through the snow, and Robb courting certain doom by boinking Talisa after she tells the story of a slave saving her brother's life, there were some fun Tyrion scenes with Bronn, Cersei, and Varys. So: It's just third worst!


“Lord Snow”

"Lord Snow"

Season 1, Episode 3
Directed by: Brian Kirk
Written by: David Benioff & D. B. Weiss

This episode had the unenviable job of introducing a gaggle of new and important characters — including Renly, Varys, Pycelle, and Littlefinger — with little time to dwell on any of them. It's the ultimate “setup” episode, really…and for that, it must be punished!


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All 30 "Game Of Thrones" Episodes Ranked From Worst To Best

#DavidBenioff, #VanessaTaylorWatchingGameOfThrones, #JonSnow

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