martedì 29 luglio 2014

Podcast Episode#86: The Origin of Caesar Salad and Why Salt Enhances Flavor

In this episode, you’re going to learn where Caesar Salad came from and why it’s called that.  You’re also going to learn why salt enhances flavor, as well as why salad is named that.

This episode is brought to you by NatureBox, a subscription service for nutritious snacks, with new snacks introduced every month made from wholesome ingredients. NatureBox is currently extending a special discount for all our podcast listeners where if you sign up via this link, you get 50% off your first box. :-)

My personal favourite so far is the Blueberry Nom Noms. Seriously, they are good. Check them out. :-)

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Podcast Episode#86: The Origin of Caesar Salad and Why Salt Enhances Flavor

#CaesarSalad, #NatureBox, #Episode

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