giovedì 3 luglio 2014

9 Childhood Boardgames That Can Easily Devolve Into Debauchery

Have you ever revisited a favorite childhood game and attempted to turn it into a night of unbridled hedonism? Chances are things didn’t turn out quite the way you expected.



New rules: Every time you say “Sorry” everyone else has to drink. The player who was knocked back home has to finish his beverage.

Beverage of choice: The cheapest beer you can find at your local supermarket.

Unintended consequence: Possible fisticuffs and a shiner in the morning.


Trivial Pursuit (1970s Genus Edition)

Trivial Pursuit (1970s Genus Edition)

New rules: The failure to answer a questions for a pie results in that person finishing the drink. Every time a question is asked about a Russian cosmonaut, everyone drinks. Anyone who successfully answers a question about President Ford gets to pick their punishment target.

Beverage of choice:
Old fashioned.

Unintended consequences:
A lowering of your intellectual self-esteem. An encyclopedic knowledge of the career of Yuri Gagarin.



New rules: If a ship is sunk, that player must drink. If their battleship is sunk, they must finish their drink. If they cheat, that player must run around the outside of the house naked.

Beverage of choice: A growler of something. Preferably 11% or higher.

Unintended consequences: Singing sea chanties, watching Das Boot at 2AM, finding your sea legs.


Bed Bugs

Bed Bugs

New rules: Game must take place in the house of person with grossest apartment. Person with least bed bugs at end of match must chug their drink and roll around on the occupant's bed.

Beverage of choice:

Unintended consequences: Bed bugs, duh.


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9 Childhood Boardgames That Can Easily Devolve Into Debauchery

#UnintendedConsequences, #UnintendedConsequence, #ChildhoodGame

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