domenica 29 giugno 2014

Did Ukraine Outfox Putin With Its Offensive In Slovyansk?

The outcome of the battle for Slovyansk has far reaching consequences. I would hope that Ukraine does not halt the operation to pursue a useless “diplomatic solution.” (Apparently, the Russian Slovyansk commanders are now ready to “negotiate.”) The whole Russian strategy for taking eastern Ukraine through a covert operation hinges on stable command and control centers in the compact smaller cities of the region that can be controlled by relatively small numbers of special service forces and their stooges. These command and control centers cannot be held against an onslaught of regular forces. The Russians have, to this point, held off a real assault by threats of invasion by regular troops. It appears that Ukraine has decided to call Putin’s bluff. He must invade or lose his “cheap” covert war.

Did Ukraine Outfox Putin With Its Offensive In Slovyansk?

#Ukraine, #EasternUkraine, #Slovyansk, #RussianSlovyansk

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